Student & Early Career Professionals Subsection of the Education Section of the American Fisheries Society

2025 Western Division and Colorado/Wyoming AFS Annual Meeting

Dates: May 11-15, 2025 Location: Westin Westminster in Westminster, Colorado Theme: Building Resilience: Investments in Fish Passage, Habitat Restoration, and Hatchery Modernization Call for Proposals – Symposia and Continuing Education Workshops – Deadline 12/23/2024 Theme: Building Resilience: Investments in Fish Passage, Habitat Restoration, and Hatchery Modernization Substantial resources, such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act,...

SDAFS 2025 – Asheville, NC

The North Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society kindly invites you to the 2025 Southern Division AFS meeting in Asheville, NC from February 18 – February 21, 2025.

USGS Science Vision for Native Freshwater Mussel Research in the United States

USGS Science Vision for Native Freshwater Mussel Research in the United States

Wednesday, February 14 2 pm Eastern Time Register Now North America is a global center for native freshwater mussel diversity. Mussels are among the most imperiled fauna on the planet. Over the past three decades, there has been substantial research on mussels, however, there are still substantial information gaps that...

Fisheries Management Section Webinar – Mentoring

Fisheries Management Section Webinar – Mentoring

Tuesday, February 13 2 pm Eastern Time Register Now If you are an established professional looking for better ways to communicate with students and early career professionals, this is for you! If you are a student or early career professional seeking out mentors in your organization or AFS, this is for...

New Student Angle in the Fisheries Magazine

In the Fisheries Magazine, Volume 48, Issue 11, Daria Gundermann writes a student angle column entitled “Don’t be Fickle with Your Fish and Climate Change Literature Searches: Use FiCli!” Read about FiCli database to learn how you can save time by streamlining a literature review. “Was my pantsuit always this...

World Fisheries Congress

World Fisheries Congress

Fish and Fisheries at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus We look forward to welcoming you to Seattle, Washington for the 9th World Fisheries Congress from 3-7 March 2024. Organized through the World Council of Fisheries Societies, every four years delegates from around the world meet to exchange ideas and perspectives about new...

Subunit Spotlight: Quebec Student Subunit

If there was a decent metaphor connecting boxing and AFS Student Subunits, the Quebec Student Subunit would be among the best pound-for-pound fighters in the game today. Perhaps, a better metaphor would high relate growth rates and theoretical maximum length parameters to the Subunit — which includes students from across...

Lian on her research and the Virtual Annual Meeting

Lian Guo is the subject of our member spotlight this month. If you were a part of this year’s Virtual Annual Meeting (VAM), you may have caught her presentation, co-organized symposium, or seen her posts on the discussion channels in Slack – another option provided for students and professionals to...

Daily Themes

Monday, Sept 14 Opening Plenary — Climate ChangeTuesday, Sept 15 Diversity and Inclusion DayWednesday, Sept 16 Plenary #2 — Science CommunicationThursday, Sept 17 Student and Early Career Professionals Day (direct to our tab on the workshop), SECP Business Meeting (4:10-5:10 pm EDT). Student awards are being given out live at...

Cassidy Miles on Diversity and Inclusion in AFS

Cassidy Miles (she/her) is a graduate student and the public relations and outreach coordinator for Western Illinois University’s student subunit of the Illinois AFS. She is passionate about matters of diversity and inclusion in fisheries science and started a fundraiser to support the Hutton Scholars program. Below is her experience...