2013 Meeting Minutes, Little Rock

The meeting was called to order at 12:07 PM.

Dembkowski introduced the guest in attendance:

  1. Craig Paukert
  2. Jeff Fore

A quorum (> 15 members) was determined to be present (n = 33).

 Excom Reports

Fore motioned to approve Minutes of the 2012 Annual Subsection Business Meeting. R. Krogman seconded the motion.

Dembkowski gave President’s comments, discussing he mid-year Governing Board meeting and 2013 Student Colloquium. D. Dembkowski also gave updates on national student colloquia (Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Victoria; Great Plains Fisheries Student Colloquium, Oklahoma State University), a Subsection partnership with the Equal Opportunities Section, and two Student Angle articles in Fisheries. A brief discussion on potential topic areas for Student Angle articles (e.g., Subunit updates, research summaries) and strategies for increasing submissions ensued.

Carlson provided a Secretary/Treasurer report. No transactions were made during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. The Subsection account was maintained at US Bank in Columbia, MO as no branch exists in Brookings, SD. The Subsection has transitioned to online banking as traditional storage of account statements in binders is obsolete.

Date Activity Withdrawal Deposit Balance
11/15/2011 Account activation $2,999.20
11/15/2011 Order checks $5.00 $2,994.20
12/15/2011 Seattle AFS reimbursement $252.41 $2,741.79
2/20/2012 Mid-year governing board $525.45 $2,216.34
6/19/2012 Dues refund (9/1/2011 to 12/31/2011) $410.00
6/30/2012 End of Fiscal Year $2,626.34
(No transactions)
8/31/2013 End of AFS Fiscal Year $2,626.34

Pierce motioned to approve the Secretary/Treasurer Report. R. Krogman seconded the motion.

Pierce gave an update on behalf of the Undergraduate Travel Award Committee. The award is intended to facilitate undergraduate travel to the national meeting by reducing cost. Although undergraduates generally have minimal experience in scientific communication (e.g., paper/poster presentation), national meetings are beneficial in multiple ways: offering learning experiences (e.g., current research, scientific communication), networking opportunities, and valuable exposure to the national society. L. Pierce discussed requirements for award recipients, including written summaries of personal meeting experiences, and mentioned service opportunities on the selection committee are available.

No Division Representatives were present to give reports.

Paukert provided an Education Section report, noting student engagement has been increasingly emphasized in recent years. The Section will review purpose, funding, and sustainability of awards this year with assistance from Awards Committee members. The Section will publish a new book entitled Foundations in Fisheries Science after final revisions are completed in the coming months. C. Paukert discussed downsides of digital, chapter-by-chapter PDFs (e.g., lost revenue, unprotected documents).

Fore commented on the recent Subsection election.


  • President-Elect: A. Carlson
  • Secretary/Treasurer: J. Kerns
  • Southern Division: R. Andrew
  • North-Central Division: K. Bales
  • Western Division: N. Sopinka
  • Canadian Division: K. Wilson
  • Northeastern Division: J. M. Hessenauer

Quist continued the Education Section report with a description of the Emerging Leaders Mentorship Program. The Program is intended to increase Governing Board involvement among new graduates and young professionals. A $500 scholarship is available for attendance at the national AFS meeting and Governing Board Retreat and Meeting.

Pierce provided Incoming President’s remarks. Involvement in AFS is crucial for professional development of members and growth of the Society as a whole. The Subsection needs committed members interested in achieving and advancing our mission.

 New Business and Announcements

Recipients of the Undergraduate Travel Award (D. Bogner, SDSU; T. Schepker, U Missouri; A. Wilson, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; C. Pennock, Kansas State University) were recognized for their achievement. The future direction of the award was discussed at length. L. Pierce asked for opinions on the tradeoff between award amount and number of recipients. Three of four recipients would have attended the national meeting without financial assistance. Given difficulty in securing undergraduate involvement in the Subsection, this suggests smaller awards for more students may be preferable. In response to a concern about locating regional award information offered by D. Bogner, J. Fore reminded members about the comprehensive Awards page on the Subsection website. D. Dembkowski mentioned contingency of award funding for three years, after which the Subsection must re-apply. It is important to distinguish the Undergraduate Travel Award from the Skinner Award to ensure continued funding for the former. Some Subsection members emphasized Subsection involvement (e.g., Business meeting attendance, volunteer work) should be a requirement for recipients, whereas others believed involvement detracted from the award’s mission (i.e., undergraduate travel assistance). Members identified an overarching need for enhanced communication within the Subsection, leading to discussion of email correspondence and social media.

Schepker inquired how the Subsection could increase awareness of AFS and awards among students. D. Dembkowski mentioned Division Representatives could distribute information to Subunit officers as well as faculty members having continuity in AFS. R. Krogman suggested publishing an article in Fisheries. A. Carlson will contact E. Przygodzki regarding Subsection membership (i.e., Affiliate vs. Parent Society members) and security issues associated with disseminating the distribution list. L. Pierce and J. Fore reiterated the importance of effective communication and sought assistance in updating the Subsection Facebook page (L. Heironimus and J. Keintz will help).

Dembkowski discussed the role of Division Representatives. Duties include keeping awards updated and educating students about Subsection and Division activities. The Student Angle column in Fisheries is an effective outlet for the latter responsibility. J. Fischer mentioned article content can be diverse (e.g., Subunit activities, value of AFS involvement), and L. Pierce expressed need for a Guide to Authors.

Pierce inquired about Subunit expenditures, which are relatively infrequent as the Education Section covers major expenses (e.g., meeting travel). C. Paukert discussed fundraising, and L. Pierce noted diverse opportunities are available, including establishing a donation box on the Subsection and/or AFS website(s). D. Dembkowski mentioned surpluses from Subunit raffles at Chapter meetings might also serve as viable funding sources.

Krogman expressed concern about student preparation for the university-to-agency transition. One solution is to create certificate programs offered by university Subunits featuring short courses on important skills (e.g., MOCC motorboat operation). M. Quist mentioned this is an issue possibly too complex to address at the institutional level.

Future Business Items

  • Undergraduate Travel Award – funding, amount, # recipients
  • Communication – email distribution list, social media
  • Fisheries Student Angle Guide to Authors
  • Finances and Fundraising

Respectfully Submitted by Andrew Carlson

29 September 2013